BBC Radio Solent Listeners flocked to the phone lines to ask for advice from our Tax Partner, Julian Sims, when he made his most recent appearance in the ‘Ask the Expert’ slot on the daily morning show with Sasha Twining.
Julian is a popular and regular guest on the show which sees him dealing with a variety of queries from callers. Perhaps unsurprisingly on this occasion, as April 6 approaches, Julian was asked for advice on the penalties involved if tax returns included errors or omissions. Other wide-ranging topics included the tax implications when parents give children gifts in order to help them up the property ladder; whether specific charities such as Tax Aid and Tax Help for Older people can assist low earners with their tax affairs; if someone who is registered blind and not working can transfer their allowance to their working spouse in order to reduce their tax bill, and whether accounting software and apps are suitable options for a new business owner.
You can catch Julian’s next live broadcast on the station on Monday 8 April at 8pm when he joins presenter, Steph Newenhouse on The Early Late Show for ‘Solent Surgery’.
This time, the advice will be aimed at helping younger people to get more financially savvy. Listeners will be invited to call in and discuss their concerns indepth, such as taking out a student loan, or being a first-time property buyer. If your children are looking to be more prepared financially for the wider world, let them know that the programme will be well worth a listen or even a telephone call!
Julian also regularly tweets on tax matters as @jlstax.